03 September, 2007

For someone special...

For someone who has come to be a very close friend of mine…a sort of goodbye note..

May you always see,
The truth as plain as it may be,
Seek comfort in the all positivity,
Surrounding you, keeping you
From going astray,

Hope you come to hear the words,
You need to hear,
Words that will set it all right
Words that will comfort you
Keep you warm in your coldest hour..

I hope you travel far and wide,
See things that fascinate you,
And all that you have always wanted to see,
That gives you more a different perspective,
Of the greatness in this life..

I hope that in the light,
You see things as they have come to be,
That you have made the best of it all,
And that when you look back in time,
You smile knowingly,

In times of trial,
I hope you find your strength
In times of question,
May you know the answers,
May you never know regret..

I hope that you find peace
I hope that you find Love,
Above all I hope you find happiness,
Always by your side…

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